The Port and the Image III: Echoes of the Port
Edited by He Yining, In collaboration with China Port Museum
With photographs by Chen Ronghui, Chen Xinhao, Liu Yujia, Song Tianqi, Sun Haiting, Wang Hanlin
“The Port and the Image” project was jointly launched by myself and Ningbo China Port Museum in 2016. The original intention of the plan was to explore the natural environment of China’s port area development under the background of global economic integration, as well as different issues derived from the spatial relationship of port cities, by appointing artists to carry out photography and related media practices. As of 2022, “The Port and the Image” project has commissioned 21 artists to create works on 20 port cities and ports (regions) in China and Japan. In addition to the biennial exhibition and publication plan of the China Port Museum, the project, in the past six years, with the help of a wide range of responses and discussions from the media and related research institutions, we have continued to pay attention to the cultural and creative practices related to the port on the one hand, while keep reflecting and expanding the direction and logic of the commission on the other.
Based on the previous two sessions, the exhibition and publication of the third session, “The Port and the Image III: The Echoes of the Treaty Ports”, was completed- ed during the COVID-19 pandemic period, which could not have been possible without the exemplary assistance from the team at the China Port Museum in Ningbo. I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to Feng Yi, the director of the China Port Museum, for his support of the project and me from beginning to end: he has provided me with endless insight, wisdom and enthusiasm. Thanks again to Director Wu Feng and Mr Du Ning at the Exhibition Department and all the museum staff who participated in the project for their help.
The exhibition catalogue is designed by Jiazazhi Press and published by China Nationality Culture Press Co., Ltd.
Design: Chen Yinhe (Jiazazhi Press)
889mm×1194mm 1/16
Edition of 800
ISBN 978-7-5122-1592-4Chinese/English
《港口与影像 III — 口岸的回响》
编 著 中国港口博物馆
主 编 何伊宁
艺术家:陈荣辉 、程新皓 、刘雨佳 、宋天琪、孙海霆 、王翰林
“港口与影像” 计划由我和宁波中国港口博物馆在 2016 年共同发起,其策划初衷是通过委任艺术家展开摄影和相关 媒介的实践,来探索全球经济一体化背景下中国港口地区发 展的现实环境,以及港城空间关系下衍生出的不同议题。截 至 2022 年,“港口与影像” 计划共先后委任 21 位艺术家就 中国和日本共 20 个港城和口岸(区域)进行创作,在中国 港口博物馆每两年的展览和出版计划之外,该计划在过去 6 年内借助广泛的媒体人和相关研究机构的回应和讨论,一方面持续关注与港口相关的文化和创作实践,另一方面不断思考和拓展委任的方向和逻辑。
在前两期的基础上,“港口与影像” 第三期的展览和出 版在疫情防控期间完成,离不开宁波中国港口博物馆团队给 予项目模范性的帮助。由衷感谢冯毅馆长自始至终给予项目和我本人的肯定 , 他敏锐的洞察力 , 国际化的视野以及对影像艺术的热情使我倾佩。再次感谢港博展览部吴凤主任、杜宁老师,以及博物馆所有参与项目工作人员的帮助。
责任编辑 江 泉
责任校对 李文学
出 版 者 中国民族文化出版社
地址:北京市东城区 和平里北街 14 号 邮编:100013
联系电话:010-84250639 64211754(传真)
印 装 浙江经纬印业股份有限公司
开 本 889mm×1194mm 16 开
印 张 15
字 数 12 千
版 次 2022 年 7 月第 1 版第 1 次印刷
标准书号 ISBN 978-7-5122-1592-4
定 价 258.00 元