“想像荷兰”(NL Imagined)
参展艺术家 Artists
马万·巴西奥尼(Marwan Bassiouni),约翰内斯·博斯格拉(Johannes Bosgra),汉斯·艾克尔布姆(Hans Eijkelboom),马维尔·哈里斯(Marvel Harris),埃瑞克·卡瑟斯(Erik Kessels),黛娜·利申博格(Dana Lixenberg),科琳娜·诺登博斯(Corinne Noordenbos),欧文·奥拉夫(Erwin Olaf),波林·奥斯登(Paulien Oltheten),薇薇安·萨森(Viviane Sassen),吉勒姆·特拉彭伯格(Gilleam Trapenberg)
策展人 Curator
何伊宁(Yining He)、鲁小本(Ruben Lundgren)
场馆 Venue
成都复星艺术中心 Fosun Foundation (Chengdu)
“NL Imagined” is a survey of contemporary Dutch photography curated by Yining He and Ruben Lundgren. The exhibition includes the work of 11 established and emerging artists, which all currently live and work in the Netherlands (NL). The exhibition showcases the artists’ responses to contemporary topics concerning the Netherlands’ history, society and culture. In the collected works of these photographers, we find challenges to established paradigms of both the language and techniques inherent in the Dutch photographic tradition. The approaches taken reflect the artists’ efforts to reshape contemporary Dutch photographic arts with greater relevance to the rapidly evolving present times.
“NL Imagined” features works from Marwan Bassiouni, Johannes Bosgra, Hans Eijkelboom, Marvel Harris, Erik Kessels, Dana Lixenberg, Corinne Noordenbos, Erwin Olaf, Paulien Oltheten, Viviane Sassen and Gilleam Trapenberg. Through a wide array of creative approaches, the participating artists capture the architecture of sacred spaces, and look at nature, community and everyday life, together with topics of colonization, personal identity, and kinship, as topics for reflection. These combine a new dialogue between history and the present, between today’s reality and what local audiences might imagine about the Netherlands. Promoting deeper communication between China and the Netherlands is one of the main motivations for this exhibition project. The Netherlands is a global centre for art publishing, with a long history of design excellence, including photo books. “NL Imagined” includes examples of award-winning books published by six leading Dutch publishers and other institutions on loan from the cultural section of the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in China.
Curated by He Yining (China) and Ruben Lundgren (the Netherlands), “NL Imagined” is a unique cultural project initiated by the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in China. After two years of preparation, we cordially invite you to experience these photographers’ diverse perspectives in different contexts and to join us in a visual dialogue with the Kingdom of the Netherlands. Notably, the exhibition responds to “China Imagined” at the 2020 BredaPhoto Festival in the Netherlands and demonstrates the ongoing dialogue and communication between the photographic arts of China and the Netherlands.
“NL Imagined “Education and Public Program Series
“NL Imagined” is a survey exhibition of contemporary Dutch photography featuring the works of eleven artists. In addition to critically examining the artists’ responses to historical, social, and cultural issues in the Netherlands, the exhibition challenges the inherent traditional paradigms, visual languages, techniques, and methods, reflecting the artists’ efforts in reimagining and reshaping the contemporary scene of photography.
As an essential part of this cultural project, four sections comprise the education and public program series: Dutch Photography Observed, Higher Arts Education in NL, Practice Space for Dutch Artists, and Dutch Institutional Photography Theories. Both online and offline lectures and seminars will be held to discuss topics including education, publication, and institutional practices in the Netherlands.
“想像荷兰”是一场围绕荷兰当代摄影艺术的调查展,共呈现11位艺术家的摄影作品。展览不仅批判 性地考察了艺术家们对荷兰历史、社会、文化等议题的回应,同时挑战了荷兰摄影传统中固有的范 式、语言和技术,反映出艺术家们重塑荷兰当代摄影的努力。
作为该文化项目中的重要组成部分,“想像荷兰”系列公共教育将分为四个板块——“荷兰摄影观察 站”“荷兰高等艺术教育行”“荷兰艺术家实践场”与“荷兰摄影机构论”,围绕荷兰摄影的教育、出版和 机构实践等议题展开线上、线下的分享与讨论。
Ⅷ Practice Space for Dutch Artists / Corinne Noordenbos: Daily matter matters
Ⅷ 荷兰艺术家实践场 / 科琳娜·诺登博斯:难道琐事还不够重要吗?
Date 28/4/2023(Saturday) 7:00 p.m
Mediator: He Yining 主持人: 何伊宁
Co-ordinator:Li Xinyang 公教统筹:李欣阳
Guest Speaker: Corinne Noordenbos 嘉宾:科琳娜·诺登博斯
As one of the most important artists and educators of contemporary Dutch Photography, Corinne Noordenbos uses education to reflect on photographic, historical, social, and cultural issues in addition to her practices. In the exhibition NL Imagined, Noordenbos’ series of Modern Madonna (1989-1992) are presented with works of three former students — Viviane Sassen, Gilleam Trapenberg, and Marwan Bassiouni. During the first session of the education program for the touring exhibition at Fosun Foundation Chengdu, Noordenbos will introduce the documentary tradition of 17th-century Dutch art history and then discuss the definition and practices of contemporary documentary photography, based on her practices, teaching experiences as well as artist cases studies.
科琳娜·诺登博斯作为荷兰当代摄影最重要的艺术家和教育者,在个人创作之外,亦将教育作为她思考摄影与历史、社会和文化的论坛。在“想像荷兰”的展览现场,我们可以看到诺登博斯曾经三位学生——薇薇安·萨森(Viviane Sassen ) 、吉勒姆·特拉彭伯格(Gilleam Trapenberg)、马万·巴西奥尼(Marwan Bassiouni)的作品与她的参展作品《现代圣母》共同呈现。在成都复星艺术中心巡展的第一场,科琳娜·诺登博斯将17世纪荷兰艺术史的纪实传统作为讲座开端,接着围绕她的创作、教学经历和艺术家案例,来思考纪实摄影在当下的定义及实践。
IX Workshop 01 / The Wandering Path: Tracing and Developing
IX 工作坊 01 / 漫游之径:追踪与显灵
Date 29/4/2023(Saturday) 14:00 -15:30 p.m
Guest Lecturer: Chen Xiaoyi 嘉宾:陈萧伊
近⼏年来,艺术家陈萧伊作为以视觉为媒介的创作者,在不断想象、构建、关联事物之间深沉并异质的关系,再将之呈现,绘制属于⾃身的创作地图。陈萧伊聚焦中国西南部横断⼭脉的矿业历史痕迹,⾯对跨越⼤尺度的地理与时间的存在之物,由⼈类的在场为起点,寻找不同存在⽅式的交汇之处,连接了宏观与微观的体验。 在本次分享中,陈萧伊也和⼤家⼀起分享⾃⼰的摄影创作⽅法,例如如何通过对某⼀地域的深⼊理解, 去建构⼀种漫长的艺术想象。
X Workshop 02 / 26 Palm Trees Creative Workshop
X 工作坊 02 / 做⼀本关于“⼆⼗六棵棕榈树”的摄影图册
Date 7/5/2023 (Sunday) 14:00 -15:30 p.m
Guest Lecturer: Zhang JIN 嘉宾:张晋
《想像荷兰》展出了摄影师吉勒姆·特拉彭伯格(Gilleam Trapenberg)的系列《这肯定是天堂》, 其中⼀幅是构图居中的棕榈树, 这令我想起概念艺术家埃德. 鲁沙( Ed Ruscha ) 曾经在美国加州也拍摄过类似的画⾯, 并于1971 年⾃出版画册《⼀些棕榈树》,鲁沙在艺术⾃出版领域的⿐祖地位毋需多⾔。本次⼯作坊是向鲁沙的第⼀本画册《⼆⼗六个加油站》致敬,参与者将各⾃拍到的棕榈树汇集到⼀起,集体讨论编辑出⼀本属于⾃⼰的画册《⼆⼗六棵棕榈树》。