Hide and Seek: The Photographic Vision of Childhood (exhibition) 捉迷藏:童年的显影(展览)

Hide and Seek: The Photographic Vision of Childhood



“捉迷藏:童年的显影”考察中国艺术家借助童年照片进入创作的丰富实践,试图在摄影的视觉(photographic vision)、童年、记忆,以及更广泛的社会议题之间建立关联。从曹澍、鲁小本、谢灵柔、朱岚清对家庭相册中童年照片的挪用和再创作,到马海伦、赵与林、王雪利用童年肖像在多元议题中的表征;再到赵谦利用沙盘游戏再现儿童心理和行为,以及张晓回应童年记忆所创立的“苹果百货大楼”计划,展览沿着童年的视觉,在多维度的感知时间与记忆空间中穿行,探索童年影像在当代艺术实践中的丰富表达。展览期间,上海浦东碧云美术馆携手三影堂厦门摄影艺术中心、青艸堂、上海市浦东新区妇女联合会、上海小荧星集团有限公司等合作方,将举办儿童摄影大赛征集、多场对谈、讲座和导览等精彩活动,探讨“童年视觉、记忆和行为”等议题,六一儿童节之际,馆方还将为孩子们准备特别公共教育活动。
Hide and Seek: The Photographic Version of Childhood
Being Art Museum, Shanghai
Artists: Cao Shu, Ruben Lundgren, Ma Hailun, Wang Xue, Xie Lingrou, Zhang Xiao, Zhao Qian, Chow & Lin,  Zhu Lanqing
Curator: Yining He
“Hide and Seek: The Photographic Version of Childhood” examines the rich practice of Chinese artists entering creation through childhood photos, trying to establish a connection between photographic vision, childhood, memory, and broader social issues. From Cao Shu, Ruben Lundgren, Xie Lingrou, and Zhu Lanqing’s appropriation and re-creation of childhood photos in family albums, to Ma Hailun, Chow & Lin, Wang Xue’s use of childhood portraits in multi-dimensional topics; to Zhao Qian’s use of sandbox games to reproduce children’s psychology and behavior, and Zhang Xiao’s “Apple Department Store” project in response to childhood memories, the exhibition travels through the visual of childhood, in the multi-dimensional perception of time and memory space, exploring the rich expression of childhood images in contemporary art practice.

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