BROWNIE Magazine
BROWNIE is a magazine about how photography can change our lives.
It is a magazine aimed at uncovering the value of photography, and its relevance to everyday life. Like the iconic camera that it is named after, it believes in making photography accessible to everyone by sharing inspirational stories about life through photography.
Volume One discusses about the ‘Human Connections’ behind photography. Through personal stories, conversations with photographers, observations and a photo book, we dive into the connections that bind our hearts, and into the disconnections that keep us safe. We look at how photography takes us behind the curtains of humanity, to see the invisible ties that make our hearts beat.
Volume One details:
21cm x 27.5cm, 180 pages, bilingual (English and Chinese), including a photo-zine (16.2cm x 22.95cm, 24 pages). ISBN 978-7-0558-9 /J.169
Volume One stories:
On Solitude / Alone In The Universe / Insular Landscapes / Through The Looking Glass / Interconnections / The Accident / Nature and Us / Old Mum, New Tricks / The Void / I Will Be Your Follower
Volume One contributors and photographers: Yining He
Rebecca Toh、Alejandro R. Batista、Lee Chang Ming、Tereza Červeňová、 Gabriel Gauffre、 Svala Ragnars、 Paul Chu、Chaoyu Li、 Ting Cheng
Featured stories:
We talked to Rebecca Toh about whether loneliness can be a beautiful thing through her photo series Alone In The Universe. Every shot showed a lonely figure finding a moment of peace in the crowded city, almost like a scene from a Wong Kar Wai movie.
《BROWNIE 布朗尼》 期刊
《BROWNIE 布朗尼》是一本由摄影而开启的期刊。
围绕着摄影如何改变我们的生活,它意在发现当代摄影的无限价值、探索摄影与 生活的有趣联结。正如“布朗尼”一词的由来 — 那台改变世界的传奇相机,它的 初衷是把摄影传递给每一个人,而传递的声道便是分享摄影中那一则则灵光四溅 的故事。
第一期探讨的主题是摄影背后的“人群关系”。通过个人故事、摄影师访谈、观察 与洞见、以及一本书中书,挖掘缠绕我们的种种联系,潜入让我们躲避其中的种 种疏离感,见证摄影是如何把我们带至人性的帷幕之下,去揭开那些维系我们心 跳的隐形纽带。
21cm x 27.5cm, 180页, 中英双语, 内含一本 Photo-zine (16.2cm x 22.95cm, 24 页),ISBN 978-7-0558-9 /J.169
关于离群索居 / 独自在宇宙 / 孤岛风景 / 透过窥镜 /互联 /
意外 / 荒野人踪 / 老妈新招 / 虚无 / 我是你的追随者
Rebecca Toh、Alejandro R. Batista 、李长明、Tereza Červeňová 、Gabriel Gauffre 、Svala Ragnars 、朱学谦、李超瑜 、郑婷
我们和 Rebecca Toh 聊了聊她的摄影系列 Alone In The Universe(独自在宇宙) 是否传达了孤独的美感。系列中的每一张照片都捕捉了一位在拥挤的城市中形单 影只的人,好似王家卫电影中的场景。