“Three Dimensions of Contemporary Photographic Art“ (article) ”当代摄影的三个维度“ (杂志文章)


“Three Dimensions of Contemporary Photographic Art: Take Curatorial Practice as Examples”

Yining He

Thinking East Asia through Photography,” The Thinker, vol 115, Feb 2024.


《信睿周报》,第115期, “以摄影思考东亚”


在《当代摄影艺术的三个维度 :以个人策展实践为例》一文中,视觉艺术研究者、策展人何伊宁通过自身在摄影领域的观察和策展经验,向我们展示了当代摄影艺术的多元面貌,并从用多样化策略回应和反思历史叙事、对社会与文化议题的回应、人工智能带来的可能性三个方面探讨了摄影艺术背后交织的多重维度。


In the “Starting Point” section of this issue, we invite scholars and curators from the history of photography to explore topics such as the concept of ‘Central Asia’ in photography and the various dimensions of contemporary photography. The objective is to elucidate the multi-layered process by which images are captured, encoded, and reinterpreted from a range of perspectives.

The article”Three Dimensions of Contemporary Photographic Art: Take Curatorial Practice as Examples” leverages Yining He’s insights and experiences to unveil the diverse facets of contemporary photographic art. She examines the complex layers within photographic art from three perspectives: employing various strategies to respond to and reflect on historical narratives, addressing social and cultural issues, and probing the potentials unlocked by artificial intelligence.

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