日常,非常日 The Everyday
2017.9.8 3:00 – 7:00 pm —— 2017.10.15
BROWNIE Art Photography
地点:上海市静安区南京西路1515号静安嘉里中心 北区2楼06B
当代艺术中渗透着对日常生活的引用。英国艺术家斯蒂芬·约翰斯通(Stephen Johnstone)曾写道:“当代艺术中日常生活的兴起借鉴了通常不被注意的、琐碎和重复行为的,包括日常生活共同点的巨大的蓄水池,同时还在流行和通俗的领域寻找动力,常常在把这些平淡和被忽视的生活经验带入可见性方面被人们所理解。”
早在20世纪六七十年代开始,观念艺术家们便反复用摄影提出有关“艺术与我们日常生活有何联系的问题”。约瑟夫·科苏斯(Joseph Kosuth)的《一把椅子和三把椅子》(One and Three Chairs,1965)、贝歇夫妇的无名建筑、费茨利与威斯(Peter Fischli & David Weiss)所创作的《寂静午后》(Quiet Afternoon,1985)都向我们展现了在构建艺术与日常生活之间的联系时,摄影作为一种廉价和快速的媒介的重要性。
Exhibition Opening & Preview
The Everyday
8 Sep 3:00 – 7:00 pm ——15 Oct 2017
BROWNIE Art Photography
N2-06B, Jing An Kerry Centre, 1515 Nanjing Road West, Shanghai
Artists: Adrian Samson, Jiaxi&Zhe, Li Chaoyu, Liu Zhangbolong, Su Jiehao, Ting Cheng, Wu Shankun, Yang Yanyuan
Curator: He Yining
Contemporary art is embedded with references to everyday life. British artist Stephen Johnstone once wrote, ‘Drawing on the vast reservoir of normally unnoticed, trivial and repetitive actions comprising the common ground of daily life, as well as finding impetus in the realms of the popular and the demotic, the rise of the everyday in contemporary art is usually understood in terms of a desire to bring these uneventful and overlooked aspects of lived experience into visibility.’
Since the 1960s and 70s, conceptual artists have repeatedly brought up the question of “what art has to do with our everyday life” through the medium of photography. Works such as Joseph Kosuth’s One and Three Chairs (1965), Bechers’ anonymous sculptures and Peter Fischli & David Weiss’s Quiet Afternoon (1985) have all demonstrated the importance of photography as a cheap and efficient medium in building connections between art and daily life.
Today, contemporary photographic practices centered around everyday life have been widely appreciated due to their richness in content and the diversity of issues they set out to investigate. Many younger photographers have given their attention to mundane objects and fragments of everyday experiences, aiming to enter into the fast-paced diurnal course of urban life through visual media to make new connections and create new meanings. The Everyday focuses on the works of eight young photographers/groups, exploring and testing the way they help viewers find inspirations from everyday life through photographic practices, which can also make us think about the role contemporary photography plays in connecting art with daily life while re-examining the bits and pieces of the urban day-to-day.