Photography as an Adventure
Return of the Native
29.2 cm x 21 cm x 5.8 cm (box)
17 different format books inside
Essay by Ren Yue
Limited edition of 1000
Published by OFPiX
Publication Year: 2012
Whenever we’ve heard our friends talk about going back to their hometowns recently, the most frequent word that pops up in conversation is ‘changed’ –a word used as a modest way to say ‘dying’. Worried we might lose our hometowns entirely in the foreseeable future, we tried to gather a group of photographers to take their spring festival family reunion as an opportunity to establish a visual archive of their hometown. In the end, 31 photographers responded to our ‘Return of the Native’ project.
We edited their work and made them into books,producing 17 small books and postcards, which were put together into a box.
This is not a merely photographic project; the box is filled with a snapshot of contemporary Chinese society, one which reflects the changing landscape of China.
Photographers involved: Fang Wei, Dong Liang, Luo Xi, Cheng Xinhao, Li Lindong, Zhu Lanqing, Fan Shunzan , Piao Riquan, Wang Bo, Fan Jingcheng, Wu Ting, Ke Leton, Wang Fang, Ri Yue, Phylia, Song Chun, Xu Wenlong, Qian Zhengfeng, Xiao YIshu, He Yining, Hu Qin, Yuan Liyang, Zhang Xinghai, Zhao Xiaohou, Xiao Yi, Bai Zhaoqing, Zhou Si, Xu Yang, Jin Yuchao, Kong Deying, Wang Shai
OFPIX工作室 《摄影如奇遇:还乡》
尺寸:29.2 cm x 21 cm x 5.8 (盒子)
策展人: 任悦
这两年,听朋友谈起还乡经历,都是一腔哀怨, 物与人都“不是”了, 甚至有人用“沦陷”来形容面目全非的故乡。照这样下去,恐怕我们将很快失去故乡,OFPiX有了找一些摄影师利用春节回家的机会,为自己的故乡留存视觉档案的想法。“还乡计划”最终获得到了将近三十个摄影师的响应。