Mother River—Yan Wang Preston 2015 China Tour Exhibition | Chongqing
Organiser:The Cultural and Education Section of The British Consulate-General
Curator: Zelda Cheatle, Yining He
Exhibition Venue: Chongqing China Three Gorges Museum / Chongqing Museum ( No.236 Renmin Road, Yuzhong District, Chongqing)
Exhibition Duration: 16th May —— 5th June 2015
The concept for Mother River was put in place by Yan Preston when she came to live in Yorkshire and was thinking about her motherland, China. Surrounded by other people’s im- ages of the Yangtze River, she formulated a way that would be unique to her vision and with- out any sentimentality.
The plan, to photograph with s large plate camera, The 63 Y points allocated by Yan Preston, which correlate to precise 100 kilometre points in the Yangtze river , these make up the epic journey of 6.320 km across China .
The sequential and chronological order follow the flow of the river. The vast distance covered by the artist, the grand scale of the project and the enormity of the Yangtze river have been reflected in the personal vision of Yan Wang Preston.
The vision of China from the snow plains of Tibet to the distant ocean is presented in a pho- tographic exhibition with some film and objects from the expedition.
This is a visual journey down the Yangtze, an ever changing phenomenon.
About Artist:
Yan Wang Preston is a British Chinese artist based in Yorkshire, UK. After working in Shang- hai as a qualifi゙ed anaesthetist, Preston re-settled in the UK in 2005 and started a new ca-
reer as an independent photographer and visual artist. Her work has been shown nationally and internationally, including the National Portrait Gallery in London (2006), York Art Gallery (2010), T-Artspace in Chongqing, China (2011) and the Noorderlicht Photofestival in Amster- dam, Holland (2012). Preston is now completing her PhD in Photography at the University of Plymouth.
母亲河 ——王岩 2015中国巡展 | 重庆
策展人:泽尔塔 · 奇朵(Zelda Cheatle), 何伊宁
展览时间:2015年5月16日— 6月5日
“王岩的长江图片会让人不由自主地驻足观赏。她的这场摄影之旅即产生了让人无可挑剔的图片, 也已经成为打动人心的传奇故事。这位年轻无畏的女摄影师立志拍摄整条长江, 用她的大画幅胶片相机沿江每隔100公里拍摄一次。她以高超的技术和天分, 在往往是非常艰苦的情况下, 为当代中国的内陆生活拍摄了整套的缩影。在她出发四年之后, 这套图片即将成为一系列极富吸引力、教育性和启发性的展览。这是一套让人大开眼界的天才之作。”
——泽尔塔 · 奇朵 (英国资深摄影策展人)
今年正值2015中英文化交流年(2015 UK-China Year of Cultural Exchange),中英文化交流年的目的之一,就是激励和支持中英两国创意人才,为他们提供更大的发展空间和舞台。作为中英文化交流年的重要活动之一,英籍华裔艺术家王岩(Yan Wang Preston)将带来她在英国普利茅斯大学攻读博士期间所开展的一个艺术摄影项目——“母亲河”。围绕着长江沿岸的景观、神话和价值观,王岩成就了一段横跨中国大地整整6211公里史诗般的旅程,也同样成就了中英文化交流年“母亲河”的大型中国巡展。