The Abode of Anamnesis (editorial)《记忆寓所》(编著)



OCAT Institute Research-based Curatorial Project Publication Series

Project Directors: Hung Wu, Weiqi Guo


The Abode of Anamnesis

Edited by Yining He

Artists: Chen Min, Dong Yuxiang, Li Lang, Zhen Shi, Kurt Tong, Yuanyuan Luka Yang, Zhu Lanqing

Co-authors:Yining He,Chen Min, Dong Yuxiang, Li Lang, Zhen Shi, Kurt Tong, Yuanyuan Luka Yang, Zhu Lanqing,Diyong Long, Ziyun Wang, Beichen Yang, Xinwei Zhu, Greg Battye, Jose Luis Neves,  Bo He,David Bate, Bingfen Dong, Yunchang Yang, Hu Hao, Wei Su, Ran Li, Wenzhao He

Special Mentions:Huan Wang,Mengsu Chang, Federica Chiocchetti,DUAN Lian,

Designer: Wei Longwen

The Abode of Anamnesis is the highly anticipated catalog of the exhibition that sprang from the winning proposal of OCAT’s inaugural Research-based Curatorial Project (2018). The book includes all the materials from “Picturing Histories: Historical Narratives in Contemporary Chinese Photography”, the research-based exhibition project by curator He Yining, who is also the editor-in-chief of the catalog. With essays, exhibition views, artwork analyses, and materials from other events in the program, the book traces the project from its initial stage of research to the presentation of the proposal, the development of the proposal, and the final exhibition, demonstrating how a curatorial concept can be turned into a highly concentrated exhibition program with both academic and visual appeal.

“The Abode of Anamnesis” focuses on several cases in Chinese contemporary art that enter historical narratives through photography. The exhibition seeks to analyze the context in which the current trend occurs, examine the creative strategies adopted by different artists, and to explore the unique viewpoint photography offers in the construction of historical narratives from different angles. Utilizing exploring histories of individuals and families, historical events, discussing varied historical episodes, or even reflecting on the theme of photography as a medium of historical narratives, the artists in this exhibition think of themselves as archaeologists and approach their subjects from various perspectives. While revisiting, rewriting, and reconstructing history, they have also been searching for more specific cultures.


Dimensions:889mm × 1194mm

Publication date:June 2021

Publisher:China Nationality Culture Press Co., Ltd.

Publication City/Country:Beijing,China



Price:258 RMB


OCAT 研究中心 研究型展览策展计划 丛书

总策划: 巫鸿、郭伟其


何伊宁 编著

艺术家: 陈旻、董宇翔、黎朗、石真、唐景锋、杨圆圆、朱岚清





开 本: 889mm×1194mm 16 开

责任编辑: 张 宇

责任校对: 张嘉林

设 计: 魏龙文

出 版 者: 中国民族文化出版社

版 次: 2021 年 6 月第 1 版第 1 次印刷

标准书号: ISBN978-7-5122-1306-7

定 价: 258 元


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1 条回复

  1. Great content! Super high-quality! Keep it up! 🙂


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